Opera Singing Redwood

Opera Singing Redwood
An Opera-Singing Redwood

Monday, September 12, 2011

Disabling & Enabling

This is a pretty vast concept (or two concepts... or two faces of one concept...)
So—for now at least—I guess we'd better stick with a simple subject.

We already know (& don't-know) enough about the computer kind of cookies
to be sort of shocked & awed by them. 
But these are the other kind. The real kind, I will dare to say.
Objects of eternal fascination that can't exactly be enabled or disabled.

Though cookies certainly can make a you FEEL enabled or disabled, 
depending on what kind you try to eat & the circumstances of your physiology.
And, of course, who gave them to you, urging you to eat them. (Why???)

Here are some images of mostly packaged Cookies thought in good faith to be authentic.
I didn't make them, and most of them I've never even tasted. 
But still, I like to think of them. Plus, I like their names.

for example: "Dodo Organics Florentine Cookies of France"

Uh-oh. I'd better go make cookies now.